The level and type of crime in South Bank has changed significantly since South Bank Employers’ Group was founded in 1991 but as one of London’s busiest and most prominent neighbourhoods, safety and security is still central to our work.

We lead and co-ordinate a range of activities to combat crime and secure a safe, welcoming environment for those who work, live and visit South Bank.

From preparing the area to withstand a terrorist or hostile vehicle attack, to facilitating the local Business Crime Reduction Partnership, we work in close partnership with Lambeth Council, the Mayor of London, the Metropolitan Police, local businesses and landowners to ensure that their resources to improve safety completement our own. And you will see our own South Bank Patrol providing a visible law enforcement presence in the area.

South Bank Patrol

A busy area inevitably attracts opportunists and anti-social behaviour. The South Bank Patrol team was established in 2008 with a range of police powers that enable them to tackle local law enforcement issues from illegal street trading to street-drinking and begging. The Patrol work with the Metropolitan Police to secure convictions and with local businesses and private security teams to ensure that information is shared and priority issues are identified and addressed.

South Bank Business Watch

South Bank Business Watch brings together the heads of security from the major organisations in the neighbourhood to collectively combat crime. The group pools intelligence gathered by the Metropolitan Police and its members allowing a better-informed response to security threats that makes best use of available resources. The Police provide the group with weekly updates and mapping of crimes in the area and, where possible, also share details of where police resources will be provided.

Business Crime Reduction Partnership

This action group works with the Metropolitan Police and Lambeth and Southwark Councils as well as Waterloo Station and British Transport Police to tackle and reduce crime and disorder affecting businesses, especially retailers. Businesses are provided with tools to share information about known suspects and the group is part of the wider Safer Business Network, a London-wide network to reduce crime, violence and anti-social behaviour.

Safety initiatives supported and managed by SBEG

South Bank benefits from two Metropolitan Police Partnership Plus Officers, funded by South Bank BID, and a fully equipped room is being made available in Southbank Place to ensure all local police officers have a base in the heart of the area. Night-time Marshalls boost security presence on weekend nights and early mornings, supporting those leaving the cultural venues, bars and restaurants late at night. A specialist Outreach Officer has been employed to identify and work with homeless people in and around Waterloo Station and help provide them with the support they need. This position is funded by South Bank BID and Southwestern Railway and employed by homelessness charity Thames Reach delivering on behalf of Lambeth Council.

Become a Member

Join our growing list of partnership organisations in South Bank, Waterloo and Blackfriars committing to improving the area for everyone.